Face like a slapped kipper
And here's the definition of the term (thanks to urbandictionary.com) "Face contorted in displeasure or annoyance, resulting in a less than flattering look."
Last week Tuesday, there were occassional whiffs of "somethings died around here" coming from the garage area. By the afternoon it had gotten worse and we were pulling out boxes and sniffing around all of our stuff in the car port. It's either a rat or one of those stray kittens I thought.
Nothing turned up after a fairly good search and sniff, so assuming it was coming from some nearby bush, gave up.
By Thursday, the smell was over powering and flies were swarming in the garage. I pulled the car out of the car port and the flies followed the car. Right, so what ever it is, is under the car. I didn't recall a big bump that you would normally associate with running someone over, so "something" must have crawled in the engine and died. GROSS. I almost lost my beans with the smell, it was disgusting.
Ulli said "I dunno, maybe Steve put something under your car, you know what they are like." Nah, I dismissed, how could they have done that....... but maybe ........ STEVE!!! I called his phone, no answer. The bastards were avoiding me. I left a couple of messages with the details adding that he and his sidekick would die if what ever is dead under my car was not removed. After a brief steak out, I busted them and all was revealed...... A rather large dead fish from the Filipino store had been tied under my car for 3 days. Bastards.......
A glorious day for Steve, here he is pictured with the offending kipper.
Any ideas on how to return the favor are most welcome. Please send them to meeshsail@hotmail.com .
Loads of good posting material from the weekend, so I'll try to keep up with it a bit more this week!